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Top Woodworking Projects for You
If you are like me and love to get away for a vacation, it's probably your favourite time of the year.
I also like to use the opportunity to finish the current projects I have under construction and/or start new ones.
Maybe you can use some of your free time to get stuck into some woodworking.
If you need some ideas or having trouble getting motivated I have put together a list of top woodworking projects for you.
Do you know someone expecting a new member of the family to come along soon? If you do, you should think about making them a cradle or cot.
This is a great furniture plan and can be handed around the family as new babies come along through the years.
It gives great satisfaction making furniture for the ones we love.
I have just recently built a bed with drawers for our 17 month old so we could use the cot for the new baby.
You could also make a nice armchair or rocking chair for when mummy has to get up through the night to feed the new baby.
A chair is a great idea and with the extra skill required for this woodworking project you better get started.
With the comfort of a handmade piece of furniture you'll be sure to earn some serious brownie points with the new mother.
There's nothing like a due date to get a project under way.
I bet you've always wanted to build a kitchen table, well now is your chance.
Everybody needs somewhere to sit down and eat their dinner.
The festive season is a great time to have friends and family over for a meal and your guests will be impressed by a piece of furniture that you built with your own two hands.
A very practical woodwork design and your wife will be happy for you to spend some time in your work shed.
An alternative to the kitchen table could be a coffee table or have a go at making dining chairs.
If you want to try your hand at some carpentry and the weather suits, you could build a shed for your garden tools and sporting equipment.
You will get a real sense of achievement from building a shed, even if it is a small garden shed.
I enjoy getting out in the sun and doing some 'hard' work.
Once you have built this you will have the confidence to take on something bigger next time, maybe a great big woodwork shed for yourself.
Here are the Top Woodworking Projects for You with some alternatives:
- Build a Cradle
- Build a Cot
- Build an Armchair
- Build a Rocking Chair
- Build a Deck Chair
- Build a Kitchen Table
- Build a Coffee Table
- Build some Dining Chairs
- Build a Hall stand
- Build a Garden Shed
- Build a Pergola
- Build a Carport
So next time you're sitting on the couch thinking to yourself that you should be doing something, grab a plan for one of these top woodworking projects and get out and enjoy your woodworking.
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