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Social Networking - Generating Traffic Through Social Networking
First and foremost of course is the fact that you can get free advertising for your business.
Every business owner knows that it can often mean a lot of advertising expense and most often all this expense is misdirected because the advertising is not always targeted to the right people.
Though social networking is not the solution to this problem it can help in making things easier.
Not only does social networking work for individual business to consumer relationships but it can also be very effective in business to business communication.
Similar to other forms of internet communication the social networking websites work by you placing your link in the signature of your posts and also your emails.
Every time you communicate through email or you post on the social networking website you are leaving behind a small footprint of your website on the Internet.
Though this may not sound like much it will eventually lead to a lot of traffic as your link propagates.
Even if the emails are going to other websites asking them for information the mere inclusion of your business links is enough to leave a trail wide enough to generate more traffic.
Then there are websites that offer free advertising where you can place your advertisement on their website in exchange for something very trivial, usually a link back to them from your website.
This sort of social networking will generate leads that you were completely unaware of.
And it works for free.