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How to File a Landlord-Tenant Motion to Appeal in New York
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Ask the courthouse receptionist where to go for your appeal.Thinkstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Visit your county courthouse or download the "Motion to Appeal" form from the courthouse website, if it is available. Complete the motion to appeal form and return it to the county court within 30 days of the original judgment being delivered to you. Call the courthouse and ask the clerk of court what the filing fees are for a motion to appeal, and bring the appropriate processing fees when you return the motion to appeal form to the courthouse. - 2
It may take the clerk a little time to find your file.James Woodson/Photodisc/Getty Images
Obtain a copy of the judgment you wish to appeal while at the courthouse. Ask the clerk of courts to look up your case and request that a copy of the case be printed for your personal use. Bring a valid form of identification, such as a passport or driver's license, to help the clerk search for the correct court case. - 3
Always get proof of delivery for your protection.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
Deliver a copy of the motion to appeal directly to the plaintiff or to the plaintiff's attorney. Mail the copy via certified mail for proof of delivery, or ask a court official to deliver the copy of the motion to appeal to the plaintiff. Request that the plaintiff sign a completed affidavit of service form as proof of delivery of your case, regardless of the way you choose to send the motion to appeal. Keep copies of this form and receipt of certified mail delivery for your records. - 4
Transcripts cost different amounts depending on their length.Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
Submit a request for a printed copy of the transcript from the original trial. Contact the transcript office and request an estimate of how much the transcript of the case will cost. Pay the deposit, if there is one, when you make the request. Pay the entire balance when the transcript is finished and ready to be released to you. - 5
Courts make sure you get a fair deal under the law.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Wait for the hearing notice to be delivered to you in the mail. Attend the hearing on the appointed court date and bring with you a copy of your motion as well as proof of delivery of your appeal notice to the plaintiff in case the plaintiff attempts to quash your motion for failing to deliver the notice.
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