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4 Must-Try Natural Penis Enlargement Exercises That Actually Work
Thanks to natural penis enlargement exercises, this dream is now perfectly attainable.
While there are a lot of products available in today's market that promise a bigger and longer penis, natural penis enlargement exercises would definitely be the best ways to go when it comes to this department.
Not only are they all natural, but they will also ensure the utmost safety for you and your manhood at the same time.
The only big problem with natural penis enlargement exercises is trying to figure out which ones of them actually work.
This means figuring out which ones won't waste your time and effort.
This also means figuring out how to do each one correctly, so that you don't end up damaging your health or sex life in any way.
To help you out, here are the 4 most effective natural penis enlargement exercises out there nowadays.
The Basic Stretch One worthwhile exercise to increase the length of your penis would be to simply stretch out your manhood.
This is the most basic exercise of them all.
All that you have to do is grip the head of your penis and stretch it out and upwards.
Then, hold the stretch there for 10 seconds, rest and do the same stretch again.
Do this exercise for 5 minutes a day every day for the best results.
To change things up a bit, you can also choose to stretch your penis to the right or to the left every now and then instead.
The Backwards Pull While this exercise is very effective, it has to be noted that it can be quite dangerous and harmful if you don't know what you're doing.
So, make sure you follow these instructions to a tee in order to avoid harming your penis with this exercise.
To do the exercise, slowly pull your penile skin backwards to your body with your thumb while your fingers support the shaft from underneath.
Then, firmly hold this pull for around 10 seconds and keep doing the same repetitions for 5 minutes per day.
The important thing to keep in mind here would be to never hold this position for more than 10 seconds with each repetition; otherwise, you could cut off the circulation of your blood altogether and that is where the harm would come in.
Kegel Exercises Everybody knows that kegel exercises are extremely beneficial natural penis enlargement exercises.
There are various reasons for this, but what not everybody knows is that these exercises can actually make a man's penis look bigger just by teaching men how to take control of their erections with time.
To start this exercise, just contract your PC muscles around 30 times a day and work up to more contractions as time goes by.
In time, you won't just feel the contractions, but you will also learn how to take full control of your PC muscles while you're at it.
This will result in significant increases in terms of penile girth and length as more blood goes into your manhood.
This control will be very evident whenever you have sex, as well.
Jelqing Before starting with these natural penis enlargement exercises, you will need to have a semi-erection first.
Once you have one, simply massage your penis and pull it outwards repetitively while alternating with your hands.
This will help send more blood into the tip of your penis and get you the gains that you want with time - easy peasy!