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Baby Strollers - a Safe Carriage for Babies
A baby stroller is comparatively smaller in size and also costs less than a pram. A more compact form of buggy, called Pushchair was released in the UK during early 1980s. The carriage became an instant hit among the Britishers as it was made of a collapsible aluminum frame. A variety of strollers are also available in the markets that are used to carry twin babies or two babies of similar age.
Travel systems are the latest evolution of baby strollers. They typically consist of a chassis with a detachable carrycot or baby seat. It can be conveniently switched between a pram and a pushchair as per needs. Its baby seat allows undisturbed movement of the baby on to a car seat. It thus considerably reduces the chances of inadvertently waking up a sleeping baby while one moves her or him to a car seat. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE) has categorized car seats into five mass groups. While the Group 0 seat can carry children of up to 10 kg, the Group 1 seats can carry children weighing 9 to 18 kg.
The latest versions of baby strollers are light weight and come equipped with swivel wheels for easy maneuvering. A number of retailers in the UK also sell buggies that can be customized according to the needs of the baby and the parents. Current strollers feature a number of baby safety designs like sun rider canopies, easy step-in rear stadium style seating and drink holders.
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