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Stop Cat Spraying With These 3 Surefire Methods
There are several reasons why your pet spraying in the house.
For example, if you are recently moved into a new home, this can be the reason for the spraying problem.
Often, when you break your pet routine the result is this kind of behavior.
Cats are very territorial animal and issues like spraying in the house can happens when they are faced with new surrounding.
When your pet spray it is mainly because of a territorial instinct that they are acting on.
This spraying behavior can be recognized by your cat turning and re-positioning their rear end toward an upright surface.
This is different from regular cat urination.
At this point you might wonder how to stop cat spraying.
Here's some a couple of tips you can use right away.
- First thing to do you should take your kitten to the veterinarian and make sure that is not a healthy issue.
Vet are trained for handle with healthy problem. - Spay your kitten.
One of the easiest and quickest way to stop the spraying problems is neuter your cat.
More that 90% of the cat spraying problems can be solved by spying your cat.
Once you do it, you can see disappear the problem is less than a week. - If your cat spraying always on the same spot, you have to clean that spot very well, in order to cancel the scent leave by his spray.
Don't use ammonia because it will attract your cat to pee in that spot!
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