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VA Disability Information

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    • To qualify for disability benefits, you must have a medically diagnosed condition at the time of filing, and also must have had a disease or injury in the service, and your current condition must be related to or caused by the condition you had in the service. Veterans who served in the military during wartime may also qualify for benefits for later assistance. If you have limited income, service or non-service-related permanent or total disabilities, and are at least 65 years of age, you may receive veteran pension benefits.


    • As of 2010, a qualified veteran could receive up to $3,063 a month in benefits. The amount you receive depends on the severity of your disability and whether you have a spouse, children or dependent parents. You can also qualify for benefits to cover a seriously disabled spouse. The Veterans Administration classifies the disabilities by percentage when deciding benefits. For example, if you have 30 percent disability, you would receive less than a person with 70 percent disability. You won't have to pay taxes on these benefits


    • File a disability claim at a regional VA office. When filing, include a copy of your military discharge or separation papers, birth certificates of any children you have, your marriage license, and doctor and hospital reports that explain and support your disability. The Department of Veterans Affairs website allows you to apply online for a pension, report new disabilities if you already receive benefits, submit new evidence in support of a claim, or file a notice of disagreement with a VA decision.


    • If you do not agree with the original determination of benefits made by the VA, appeal the decision by filing a Notice of Disagreement. The VA may have a hearing officer listen to the complaint and make another decision. If you still disagree with the determination, you have three more chances to appeal, first to the Board of Veteran Appeals, then to the Court of Appeals for Veterans' Claims, and finally to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that has jurisdiction for your part of the country.

    Expert Insight

    • You may find the paperwork and the length of the application process overwhelming. As of 2007, the law allows you to hire an attorney to help you through the process and any resultant appeals. A lawyer can ensure that your application has medical records and other evidence needed to support your claim.

      In addition to physical disabilities, if you suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome or deal with trauma from a sexual assault that occurred while in the military, you may qualify to receive disability benefits.

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